Thursday, June 24, 2010

All Aboard!

I'm starting this blog, as I start most things in my life, with low expectations and high hopes. That way, if I don't post anything for a week, I don't need to commit seppuku; and if the occasional cyber-passerby reads one of the entries I do post, I'll be pleased as punch. It's a win-win situation.

As I said, I like to start most things in my life this way. It keeps me highly motivated and deeply satisfied when I reach a goal, and it also ensures that I don't beat myself up when things don't go as planned. This philosophy may be the fuel for my optimism.

As far as why I'm starting this blog? Who knows. Why does anyone start a blog?

In my head, that was a rhetorical question, but after re-reading it, I think it deserves an answer. After all, you've read this far. I may as well stoke your curiosity to read on.

Blog Ingredients:
  • Politics: When I read a story that I find particularly interesting, I immediately want to share it. Slapping it up on my gchat status or as a link on my facebook page is only half satisfying, though. I can share the content, but I don't have much space to soak it in glorious liberal bias. This will be a venue where I can add my voice to the echo chamber.

  • School & Medicine: I've just finished my first year of a postbac program to prepare me to go to med school. (Isn't it a natural segue to work three years in the theatre industry and then decide to become a doctor?) As I learn more about this world I've chosen to become a part of, I'll want to share my feelings and discoveries.

  • Theatre Gossip: There's always room in life for a little bit of juicy NYC theatre industry drama. Keeps things interesting. I'll comment on shows I've seen, on casting choices, and on all that other stuff I claim not to pay attention to anymore...

  • Miscellaneous Rants: I included this category because I'm sure that a week from now I'll have completely changed my intentions for this blog. You'll hardly recognize it. If I'm even still posting.

  • (not so) Secret Ingredient: Getting my thoughts "on paper" forces me into self-reflection and keeps me a little more grounded than I would be otherwise.
So, there it is. I don't expect you to read on.

But I hope you do.


  1. You had me at "gossip." Actually, at "glorious liberal bias." Okay, fine. You had me at "All Aboard!" Aboard I am, and excited to read on! Stand clear of the closing doors...

  2. yay Mark!!! Can't wait to read more!

  3. Yay! Thanks for reading!! :-D

  4. Congratulations Mark. I love blogs!! Keep writing.
